Cicada song always makes me think of the southern States, where I have heard them most. We named a song after them, once, when the stacked 's' sounds of a repeated sampled phrase took on that choral feel you speak of.

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That’s wonderful. Their sound really can have an ‘s’ sound!

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Fascinating. That’s just about the most satisfyingly intense and unnerving sound I’ve heard all year. Bring on the cicada album…

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Thank you! I take this as high praise, coming from you Poppy.

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We share a fascination with the singing of cicadas, I see. I'm sure we're not alone. The ones I've been listening to most of my life have been the Texas variety, although I've heard them in other places as well. I regularly reference them in my poems, including several included in my Substack. As usual, you've widened my window on the world with your post--or should I say my listening chamber?

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That’s wonderful to hear Donald, you’re in a good land for listening. I’ll seek out those poems - please also feel free to link to them here. In a casual conversation someone told me Lorca wrote poetically about cicadas, though I have yet to investigate this.

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Here are some of the posts, Dom:




I'm also not familiar with the Lorca poems involving cicadas. I'm going to search and see if I can find them.



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Thanks, Don! I look forward to reading over the next couple of days.

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You're welcome. And I've just had time to really listen to Cicada 1 and Cicada 2. I'm struck by the resemblance to some recordings by NASA that I've heard of sounds from deep space.

Also, I found a couple of the Lorca poems with references to cicadas. One is entitled "Cigarra!" The word may be related to "cigar" as a result of the similarities in shape.

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